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Displaying Records 1 through 10 of 10 records found
from the Greek, Mycenaean culture

Rim Sherd1956.02.0016 (1956.02.0016)
9.3 x 5.6 x .7 cm (38.02 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Elasson?; Mycenae
Period: Middle Bronze; 2000 – 1700 BC
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Minyan Cup Base Fragment1956.02.0023 (1956.02.0023)
11.4 x 7.4 x 1.7 cm (141 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Mycenae
Period: Middle Heladic; 1700 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Service T&E : Drinking Vessels

Stirrup Jar1914.03.0001 (1914.03.0001)
9.1 x 8.4 x .4 cm (153 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Tiryns; Mycenae
Period: Late Bronze, Late Helladic; 1365–1200 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Processing & Preparation T&E : Food Storage Equipment

Stirrup Jar1922.01.0002 (1922.01.0002)
11.3 x 11 x .4 cm (221 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Mycenae; Calymna
Period: Late Bronze, Late Helladic; 1500 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Processing & Preparation T&E : Food Storage Equipment

Stirrup Jar1922.01.0003 (1922.01.0003)
10.8 x 10.3 x .4 cm (211 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Mycenae
Period: Late Bronze, Late Helladic; 1365–1200 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Processing & Preparation T&E : Food Storage Equipment

Reproduction Goblet: Cup of Nestor1914.01.0002 (1914.01.0002)
14.5 x 8.5 cm (4 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Mycenae
Period: Late Helladic I ?; 1700 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Service T&E : Drinking Vessels

Mycenaean Figurine, Head1929.01.0001 (1929.01.0001)
5.7 x 4.7 x 2.8 cm (88 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Mycenae
Period: Iron Age, Late Helladic, Mycenaean; 1215–1190 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Art

Plaster Cast of Warrior Krater1916.01.0001 (1916.01.0001)
45 x 50 cm (3,020 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece
Period: Late Helladic IIIC ; 1200 – 1150 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Materials T&E : Food Processing & Preparation T&E : Food Preparation Equipment

Body Sherd1954.03.0006 (1954.03.0006)
12 x 8.3 x 1 cm (84 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece
Period: Middle Helladic
Classification/Nomenclature: Unclassifiable Artifacts

Reproduction of Mycenaean Late Helladic I Rhyton Rim Fragment1914.01.0005 (1914.01.0005)
11.6 x 8.5 x 1.5 cm (37 g)
Location: Europe, West; Greece; Mycenae
Period: Late Helladic I; 1700 – 1600 BCE
Classification/Nomenclature: Communication Artifacts : Ceremonial Artifacts : Religious Objects

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